Somehsa Geosciences

A  Complete  Geophysical  Survey  Management  and  Reporting  Tool

Seismic-GIS is a powerful Geo-Spatial Modeling Concept to suit the requirements of the offshore industry. It provides a tool for seamless integration of diverse data sources like Geophysical Data, Existing offshore structural information into a single database for effective Project Management. Data from sub bottom profilers, side scan sonars, Echosounders, High resolution Digital seismic are used for hazard study and timeslices extracted from 3D seismic data are integrated along with spatial informations about existing offshore structures like rigs, platforms, pipelines, cables etc. Seismic-GIS is a powerful tool for creating and managing geological Model and for effective Geohazard solutions for both site survey specific application and long term Geohazard management.

3D View of the delineated Horizons based on the Interpretations of sub bottom profiler data in Seismic-GIS


Effective Data Visualization and Mapping Tool :
3D Subsurface Model generated from Sub bottom profiler data
Effective spatial analysis tool:
Spatial information overlayed on geohazard database. Any set of information can be extracted and reports generated
Mapping and charting:
A simple and innovative Bathymetric Map
Shallow geological profile:
Sub bottom profiler data with the delineated horizons

Geohazard management solution:
A map with channels extracted from timeslices of 3D seismic data
Fast and accurate surface generation tool with innovative report formats:
Depicted here is a 3 panel report with isopach, isobath and surface with respect to chart datum for a 200 radius circle around a location of interest. Has abilty to generate report formats as per requirement

Software tool developed by Somehsa Geosciences